5 best team comps for Xiao in Genshin Impact

The latest Genshin Impact patch 2.7 update has been out for more than a week, bringing with it a rerun of Xiao in Phase I banners alongside Yelan. Xiao has been one of the best Anemo DPS since his debut on the Genshin Impact roster. The selfish Vigilant Yaksha relies on his Elemental Burst to

The latest Genshin Impact patch 2.7 update has been out for more than a week, bringing with it a rerun of Xiao in Phase I banners alongside Yelan.

Xiao has been one of the best Anemo DPS since his debut on the Genshin Impact roster. The selfish Vigilant Yaksha relies on his Elemental Burst to perform Plunge Attacks and deal the maximum amount of damage to his enemies. However, Xiao is a glass cannon who can be easily interrupted while casting any ability and he is also unable to generate enough energy particles for himself. Hence, Xiao requires a team that can support him in the best way possible.

Here are the five best team compositions for Xiao in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact: Best 5 team compositions for Xiao including Sucrose, Zhongli, and more

Xiao in character menu (Image via Genshin Impact)

Xiao's team compositions are fairly specific. If players want to get the most out of Xiao, they will need a 'battery' character most of the time to make sure Xiao always has his Elemental Burst ready to cast. Here is a list of the 5 best teams for Xiao in Genshin Impact for higher damage:

5) Best F2P team (Sucrose + Bennett + Fischl)

Best F2P team for Xiao in patch 2.7 (Image via Genshin Impact)

This is the most F2P-friendly team composition Xiao mains can use in both the Overworld and the Spiral Abyss. The specific roles of each character in the party are:

  • Xiao: Main DPS
  • Sucrose: Anemo Battery and crowd control
  • Bennett: Healer and team buffer
  • Fischl: Off-field DPS to deal additional damage at all times

Sucrose can also equip the Thrilling Tales of Dragons to further improve Xiao with perfect team rotations. Bennett will keep everyone's health in check and Fischl will offer additional Electro damage. Genshin Impact players can also equip Fischl with the 4-piece Tenacity of Millelith to take advantage of the artifact's set bonus.

4) Double Cryo (Sucrose + Diona + Rosaria)

Players can opt for the Double Cryo team composition for Xiao if they do not have Zhongli available. Here is a summary of each character's role in the party:

  • Xiao: Main DPS
  • Sucrose: Anemo Battery and crowd control
  • Diona: Provides decent shield and healing
  • Rosaria: Burst DPS and also share Crit-Rate with party

Genshin Impact players can use Diona as a multipurpose support in this team. Diona will provide shields, healing, and can also generate some energy particles for the entire team if equipped with the Favonius Warbow. Rosaria, as a secondary Cryo character, will enable Cryo resonance, providing Xiao with a 15% additional Crit-Rate when dealing damage to enemies affected by Cryo.

3) Double Pyro (Sucrose + Bennett + Xiangling)

Double Pyro team with Xiao (Image via Genshin Impact)

Instead of Double Cryo, players can also go for a Double Pyro team composition for Xiao, which will enable Pyro resonance, providing an additional 25% ATK to the whole party. Here are the specific roles of each character:

  • Xiao: Main DPS
  • Sucrose: Anemo Battery and crowd control
  • Bennett: Team healer, provide ATK buff, and Pyro battery
  • Xiangling: Off-field burst DPS

This particular composition relieves heavily on Bennett to provide constant healing and particles for the entire team. Xiangling can pair her abilities with Sucrose's crowd control to swirl Pyro and reduce enemies' Pyro resistance, thereby dealing more damage. If Xiao keeps getting interrupted during his Elemental Burst, players can swap Xiangling with Thoma who will provide a shied for a decent amount of time.

2) Xiaoden (Raiden + Zhongli + Bennett)

Xiaoden composition is one of the best and most highly underrated team compositions where players run Xiao and Raiden together as a double carry team. Raiden will serve as a sub-DPS, but will also recharge the Elemental Burst for Xiao and other party members as a battery.

While Bennett buffs and heals the party, Zhongli provides strong shields and shreds the enemy resistance. Players can also use the 4-piece Tenacity of Millelith with Zhongli for additional ATK buffs. The last two spots in this comp are extremely flexible, so players can add any other character they want.

1) Double Geo (Jean + Zhongli + Albedo)

Double Geo team with Xiao (Image via Genshin Impact)

Double Geo with Jean is one of the best and most comfortable team compositions for Xiao. Here is what each character is assigned to do:

  • Xiao: Main PS
  • Jean: Team Healer
  • Zhongli: Will provide a strong shield and shred resistance of enemies
  • Albedo: Off-field damage and for Geo resonance

Jean can provide healing and use some of her crowd-control abilities to help Xiao. If constellation 4 of Jean is unlocked, she can also shred the Anemo resistance of enemies, which is a huge buff for Xiao.

Albedo will deal a ton of additional Geo damage and Geo resonance will increase Xiao's damage as well. Overall, this team is very solid and checks all the boxes for building the best team with Xiao. The only downside to this is that it is pretty expensive to build with all the characters being 5-star units.

This article reflects the personal views of the author.

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