Anna Faris admits Chris Pratt was her jumpoff, she dumped first husband by phone

Anna Fariss memoir, Unqualified, has come out, with the foreword written by her estranged husband, Chris Pratt. Faris is dating already since her split with Pratt, shes been seen out with a 47 year-old cinematographer. Given her romantic history I have to wonder if that new relationship had anything to do with the breakup of

Anna Faris’s memoir, Unqualified, has come out, with the foreword written by her estranged husband, Chris Pratt. Faris is dating already since her split with Pratt, she’s been seen out with a 47 year-old cinematographer. Given her romantic history I have to wonder if that new relationship had anything to do with the breakup of her marriage. (Maybe not, but people have patterns, right?) In her book, as per the excerpts I’ve been reading online, Faris outright admits that she fell for Pratt while she was married to her first husband, Ben Indra, and that she broke up with Indra over the phone after eight years so that she could hook up with Pratt. Here’s that excerpt, via US Magazine:

Faris first met Pratt on the set of Take Me Home Tonight in Phoenix, Arizona. On screen, they played a couple, but in reality, she was still married to Indra. All the more reason for Faris to be so skeptical of Pratt’s kindness toward her.

“I was constantly looking for proof that he was not as great as he seemed,” she reveals. “I tried to analyze his motives … Chris would walk me to my door or otherwise make sure I got home safely. It baffled me.”

They just had a perfect banter. Something even costar Topher Grace picked up on. And after Indra failed to impress during a visit to the set, Grace even asked her “what the f—k are you doing with that guy?” Her response: “I don’t know.”

She couldn’t deny a spark between her and Pratt. “I called Ben and told him over the phone that I was leaving him, and then went to set and was like, ‘Hey everybody! I just left my husband,'” writes Faris. “Pretty soon I was knocking on Chris’ door and was basically like, ‘Hi. I’m ready to get boned.'”

Jokes aside, she knows the phone breakup was “questionable” but doing it in person was “exhausting” and she wanted to rip off the band-aid. “Had I told him face-to-face, not only would I have had to wait longer, but it would have been horrible drama,” she admits. “The realist is that if I hadn’t met Chris, my first marriage probably would have lasted until I found a different someone else. Chris was my cattle prod. I needed someone to come along and show me something different than the relationship I knew.”

Almost right away. “When we finally got together, it was hot and heavy in a way that I’d never experienced before,” she writes. “You might think that, fresh off an almost decade long relationship, I would be hesitant to move on to the next, but I couldn’t have fallen more headfirst into my feelings for Chris.”

Just months into dating — “It was laughter all the time” — Pratt went on a backpacking trip to Europe with his Everwood costars. On a train to Prague, he called “seemingly out of nowhere he said, ‘I just love you so much. I just want to marry you,'” recalls Faris.

[From US Magazine]

E! has an additional quote from Faris’s book assuring us that it wasn’t cheating because she didn’t have sex with Chris until she dumped Indra over the phone. She sounds mildly self aware about it. “Sure, I get to proclaim I didn’t f–k Chris before I left Ben, but what is there to celebrate in that? It didn’t make me a hero. After all, I wanted to, desperately. And I had feelings for him, obviously, even if I wasn’t honest with myself about what those were. So while I didn’t cheat, I’m not completely innocent, either.”

Anna and Chris chose to elope while in Bali at a wedding for their friends in 2009. It was just the two of them at their wedding though and it doesn’t sound like they upstaged the couple purposefully. Read how Faris characterizes her breakup – it was “exhausting” to have to work through marital problems and she didn’t want to break up in person because “it would have been horrible drama.” It was all about sparing her feelings as she avoided facing her communication issues with Indra (there’s more in there about how they didn’t talk and were disconnected). You don’t dump someone you’re married to and have been with for years over the phone! You might do that if they committed an unforgivable act but that’s not what happened in this case.

Also, she admits that she never would have broken up her marriage if she didn’t meet Pratt because she “needed someone else to come along and show me something different.” That’s so selfish. Plus Pratt must have known she was married when he was hitting on her on set, but that’s not to say she was acting like it. These people exhaust me, and I’m not surprised their marriage didn’t last. I do feel badly for their kid though and hopefully they’ll be responsible coparents. So this begs the question – is this Faris’s approach to relationships – wait until someone comes along who shows her something better? Because it’s always better in the beginning until reality sets in.

There are several more stories coming out from Anna’s book which we may cover at some point, but you can read more on US and E!’s sites. Anna also opened up about being sexually assaulted by a director who slapped her butt hard when she was up on a ladder at work. She laughed it off nervously because she didn’t know what else to do. She said “We’re conditioned to giggle, but also, if we were to do anything else, we’d be labeled a bitch or difficult.” It’s true and I could relate.




This is Anna out in NY on 10-23. Those boots are hot. I was just looking at booties with clear heels on Amazon. Credit: WENN

