Crash Course in Romance finale receives mixed review from netizens

The Crash Course in Romance finale, which released on March 5, ended with an outpour of mixed reactions from viewers worldwide. As one of the most trending dramas both domestically and internationally, the Jung Kyung-ho and Jeon Do-yeon starrers downhill was predicted when episode 15 aired on March 4.

The Crash Course in Romance finale, which released on March 5, ended with an outpour of mixed reactions from viewers worldwide. As one of the most trending dramas both domestically and internationally, the Jung Kyung-ho and Jeon Do-yeon starrer’s downhill was predicted when episode 15 aired on March 4.

Among the adults, the ending showed Nam Haeng-seon studying to become a sports instructor, Nam Jae-woo and Kim Young-joo not only dating, but the latter being pregnant, and Choi Chi-yeol passionately supporting Haeng-seon in her studies.

In the kids’ storyline, Hae-e, Geon-hu, Sun-jae, Hui-jae, and Su-a received more positive responses in comparison to the adults’ stories. Many viewers showcased their disappointment at the loopholes that still remain, along with the sudden disappearances of characters and even a subplot that wasn’t fully utilized.

Crash Course in Romance finale hits big in viewership ratings, not in storyline

The romcom, which many touted as their comfort drama, unfortunately ended with its finale receiving a highly mixed response. Crash Course in Romance’s finale raked in a massive 17% viewership nationwide and 19.7% in Seoul, however, the discourse around how the romcom ended isn’t all positive.

Several storylines in the drama rattled viewers. One is what many think to be a forced romance between Jae-woo and Young-joo. The latter was the first to confess her feelings for the former. Considering she was classmates with Haeng-seon, Young-joo too is supposed to be around 35 years old. Jae-woo, too, is a middle-aged man.

Additionally, Young-joo told Dan-ji's mom that she was pregnant. This detail did not sit right with many viewers, who were already on the fence with the forced romantic storyline.

The second subplot was of Haeng-ja, Hae-e’s biological mother, returning after over a decade in episode 14 and leaving for good in the next episode, i.e. the finale. Many expressed frustration at the addition of her character, which they discussed wasn’t even properly carved out.

Some viewers also mentioned that the subplot seemed "unnecessary," including the moment when Hae-e yells hurtful things at Haeng-seon and is never shown apologizing for it.

Meanwhile, viewers also did not forget Ji Dong-hui, unlike what it seemed like for all the characters in the drama. They also didn't like how every character was given a confirmed or potential soulmate, especially by hinting at a romance between Geon-hu and Su-a.

On a positive note, Crash Course in Romance also gave viewers multiple happy endings.

Chi-yeol went back to his thrilling math classes, Haeng-seon chose to become a sports instructor (after leaving national handball team to take care of Hae-e), Sun-jae and Hae-e finally became endgame, Sun-jae’s mother, Ms. Jang finally began trusting Hui-jae, who enrolled as an army officer.

All 16 episodes of Crash Course in Romance are now streaming on Netflix.

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