Dateline: Secrets Uncovered - Where is Philip and Carey's killer Craig Heidt now and how were they r

The upcoming episode of Oxygen's Dateline: Secrets Uncovered focuses on unveiling the mystery behind the shocking 2008 Effingham County murders. The death of a father and son from a highly respected business family sent shockwaves across the community, generating massive media coverage.

The upcoming episode of Oxygen's Dateline: Secrets Uncovered focuses on unveiling the mystery behind the shocking 2008 Effingham County murders. The death of a father and son from a highly respected business family sent shockwaves across the community, generating massive media coverage.

The patriarch of the Heidt family, Philip Heidt, 59, and his son Carey Heidt, 32, were shot to death in their homes in the wee hours of August 25, 2008. With numerous rumors about the killer floating around the community, the police finally uncovered the truth that shocked the entire nation nine months after the crime: Philip and Carey were killed by one of their own family members. Read further ahead to find out more details about the killer, Craig, and Philip and Carey's relationship with him.

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered - Who is Craig Heidt and how is he related to Philip and Carey?

Craig Heidt is the son of Philip Heidt and the brother of Carey Heidt. Craig allegedly enjoyed a more unconventional lifestyle. A passionate hunter, he lived in a secluded cabin in a hunting club near Oliver. His father Philip Heidt was known to be a very private man who loved his family. The Heidt family was widely respected in their community and the murders shocked townsfolk.

On August 25, 2008, Philip and Carey were shot to death in their beds. Philip's wife Linda Heidt was also shot, but she managed to survive and made the 911 phone call. Subsequent investigation led to the arrest of Craig Heidt in May 2009. During the trial, it was revealed that Craig had an affair with his brother Carey's wife, Robin, and was planning to purchase land after he'd made some money.

Tension escalated when the family found out about the affair and Philip reportedly confronted his daughter-in-law. Carey and Robin also got into a fight after he sent a low-flying helicopter to Craig's cabin near Oliver to gather evidence of the affair.

The motive, according to the prosecutor, was ''lust and greed.'' Craig allegedly planned to secure his future with Robin and had an eye on his share of his father's estate as well as the $3.5 million insurance policy on his brother Carey's life.

Where is Craig Heidt now?

Craig Heidt was tried by an Effingham County jury and convicted of the killings of his father, Philip Heidt, and brother, Carey Heidt. He was also charged with numerous other crimes including aggravated battery, aggravated assault, attempted arson, burglary, and three counts of possession of a firearm while committing a felony.

Currently in his mid-50s, Craig has always maintained his innocence. His attorney said that no physical evidence was presented at the trial that directly connected Craig to the crime scene. He also believes multiple shooters were involved.

Craig is currently serving two consecutive life sentences along with an additional 85 years on all 11 counts at the Georgia State Prison in Reidsville.

Don't miss Dateline: Secrets Uncovered - The Mystery of Effingham County on June 1, 2022, on Oxygen.

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