Star Wars Jedi Survivor's launch has been affected by various technical issues, with one of the most notable achievements not working. Like all modern-day titles, Jedi Survivor includes achievements and trophies on Xbox Series X|S, PC, and PS5 for players to complete and unlock. The error causes the achievement to not unlock on specific platforms, even after completing the requisite action.
Achievements and trophies are some of the most interesting aspects of modern-day video games, keeping track of players overcoming certain milestones in the game. The craze for unlocking them and completing a game 100% has even led to the growth of a dedicated trophy-hunting playthrough culture.
Unable to unlock the achievement due to a technical error is certainly a cause for frustration, and unfortunately, there are only a few temporary fixes to the issue. Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts are expected to address this with upcoming patches.
Fixing the “achievements not working” in Star Wars Jedi Survivor
As mentioned previously, at the time of writing, there are no permanent fixes to the Star Wars Jedi Survivor achievements issue. However, there are a few solutions the player can try to alleviate this particular error in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Let's take a look at a few possible solutions.
Reload the saved file
One of the first fixes you can try is to reload the saved file. Simply select Load Game from the pause menu and select the most recent file. It is quite possible that the client did not register for the achievement-unlocking function the first time around. Restarting and retrying the action might register it this time around and unlock the achievement.
Restart the game
The most common fix for any in-game error is to try and restart the game. Simply quit the game from the main menu and then restart the game. This should resolve the issue and unlock future achievements from that point onward.
Check your internet connection
Achievement unlocking requires the player to be online on the platform to register and share their progress with friends. If an achievement fails to unlock, check the internet connection and whether you are online on the platform.
Restart platform
If the issue still persists, restart the platform. If you're playing on console, this is as simple as going Offline and then Online again, whereas for the PC platform, restart Steam, Epic Games Store, or EA app, your platform of choice. It should be noted that both Steam and Epic Games Store requires the EA app to be running in the background.
Wait for a fix
The above-mentioned solutions are not permanent fixes, they are temporary solutions aimed at alleviating situational issues. With a widespread issue, Respawn Entertainment and Electronic Arts are expected to fix the error in upcoming Star Wars Jedi Survivor patches.
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