Flowers in Minecraft are charming aspects that players can discover and collect. They are mainly used for decoration or to make various color dyes. Minecraft 1.20 update has introduced two new plants, the Torchflower and the Pitcher. Since the latter is categorized as a plant, it has not been added to this list.
This article will give you all the information on how to obtain every flower available in Minecraft 1.20
Guide on where all the flowers can be found in Minecraft 1.20
1) Oxeye Daisy
The Oxeye Daisy can be found in the plains, sunflower plains, flower forests, dripstone caves (in Java edition), and meadow biomes. It can be used to obtain a light grey colored dye.
2) Poppy
Poppy can be found in plains, sunflower plains, dripstone caves (Java Edition), flower forests, meadows, and various forest biomes. Killing an Iron Golem will also drop 1-2 Poppy flowers. They can be used to get a red dye.
3) Dandelion
Dandelions can be found on plains, dripstone caves, flower forests, meadows, deep dark, and forest biomes. You can get yellow dye by using this flower.
4) Allium
Allium is only found in flower forests and meadow (Java Edition) biomes. It can be used to obtain the magenta dye.
5) Azure Bluet
Azure Bluet is found in all plains, dripstone caves (Java Edition), flower forests, and meadow biomes. It can be used to craft the light grey dye.
6) Cornflower
The Cornflower can be found in all the plains, dripstone caves, flower forests, and meadow biomes. It can be used to craft the blue dye.
7) Sunflower
Sunflowers can be found in large quantities in the sunflower plains biomes. These flowers have a unique property of facing the east, so they help identify the directions easily.
8) Peony
The peony bush has large pink flowers that can be used to craft the pink dye. They can be found in the flower forests and can be duplicated using bone meal, or you can pick them using shears.
9) Tulip
A wide variety of tulips can be found in Minecraft in all kinds of plains, dripstone caves, and flower forests. There are four colors of tulips in Minecraft, including red, pink, light gray, and orange, which can be used to craft dyes of their respective colors.
10) Lilac
Lilacs are two-block flowers found in lush and a variety of forest biomes. These flowers can be collected using shears and can be used to craft a magenta dye.
11) Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley can be found in the flower forests and all other kinds of forests (Bedrock Edition). These flowers can be used to craft white dye.
12) Rose Bush
A rose bush is another two-block flower that can be found in various forest biomes and can be used to craft red dye. You can easily pluck the flowers using shears.
13) Blue Orchid
The Blue Orchid can only be found in the swamp biomes. This flower gives light blue dye.
14) Torchflower
Torchflowers are added in Minecraft 1.20 and do not grow in any biomes. You can only get them using a Sniffer that occasionally drops the torch flower seeds.
15) Wither Rose
The wither rose does not spawn anywhere naturally. There are two ways to obtain this flower. It appears only if the Wither kills any mobs or you kill any mobs in the nether (chances are low for this one). It emits smoke and will cause damage if you step on it. The wither rose can be used to craft black dye.
Uses of Flowers in Minecraft 1.20
Flowers in Minecraft offer various uses and functionalities that go beyond simple decoration purposes. They can be collected and utilized in several ways, as described below:
1) Decoration
Flowers serve as vibrant decorative elements in Minecraft. They can be placed in gardens or in front of your homes to give it an aesthetic appeal.
2) Dye Crafting
Flowers are a crucial ingredient in crafting dyes. Players can also use these dyes later to color their carpets, beds, and sheep wool and make unique combinations of banners.
3) Feeding Rabbits
Flowers can be used to attract the rabbits and make them follow you and feed them as well. By feeding rabbits with flowers, you can breed these animals.
4) Bees
Flowers can attract bees, and placing flowers close to beehives will increase honey production, which you can collect later.
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