Zsa Zsa Gbor's last husband's fortune explored as he adopts 27-year old adult heir

78-year-old Frdric Prinz Von Anhalt has adopted an adult man to save his royal lineage that goes back to around a millennium. The German businessman is the widower of the late Hungarian-American Hollywood star Zsa Zsa Gbor, who passed away in 2016 at the age of 99. The two never had a child, leaving Frdric

78-year-old Frédéric Prinz Von Anhalt has adopted an adult man to save his royal lineage that goes back to around a millennium. The German businessman is the widower of the late Hungarian-American Hollywood star Zsa Zsa Gábor, who passed away in 2016 at the age of 99. The two never had a child, leaving Frédéric heirless at his old age.

Frédéric has adopted 27-year-old Kevin Feucht, who has already legally changed his name to Prince Kevin von Anhalt. As per TMZ, Kevin’s family has reportedly accepted his new life as the heir and caregiver to the German socialite.

The millionaire German native showcased his journey of adopting an heir on A&E’s new documentary series, Adults Adopting Adults, which is set to premiere on January 31.

How much is Frédéric Prinz Von Anhalt worth?

As per the data pooled from multiple publications, Frédéric is worth an estimate of $60 million to $70 million. The Rhineland, Germany native, was born as Robert Hans Lichtenberg in 1944. Lichtenberg reportedly started his career as a baker and worked in local markets. However, he inherited most of his fortune when Princess Marie-Auguste of Anhalt adopted Lichtenberg at the age of 36.

After his adoption to the 80-year-old Princess Marie-Auguste, Robert Hans Lichtenberg officially changed his name to Frédéric Prinz Von Anhalt. He inherited a massive fortune following the demise of the Princess in May 1983. A year later, Anhalt moved to the USA, and in 1986, he got married to actress Zsa Zsa Gábor.

As per a 2007 article from Vanity Fair, Frédéric reportedly earned $3.4 million by selling 68 knighthoods. According to the publication, he sold the titles for $50,000 per piece. During one of his seven marriages before Gábor, the German businessman reportedly fetched $4 million from the lady. It is not known if this was a settlement for a divorce.

After Zsa Zsa Gábor died in 2016, Frédéric Prinz Von Anhalt inherited her Bel Air mansion and other estates of the late actress. At the time of her death, Gábor was estimated to be worth around $40 million. Considering the actress’ estates must have surged in value since then, Anhalt’s inheritance is likely to have grown as well.

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